Popular South American Crime Books

Find crime books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (16)


All My Goodbyes by Mariana Dimopulos EN

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This highly acclaimed contemporary Argentinian novel is the first in Giramondo’s Literature of the South series, featuring innovative fiction and non-fiction by writers of the southern hemisphere. It is translated from the Spanish by Australian translator Alice Whitmore. All My Goodbyes is a novel told in overlapping vignettes, which follow the travels of a young Argentinian woman across Europe (Málaga, Madrid, Heidelberg, Berlin) and back to Argentina (Buenos Aires, Patagonia) as she flees from situation to situation, job to job, and relationship to relationship. Within the complexity of the ... continue


Chronik eines angekündigten Todes by Gabriel García Márquez DE

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Ein Dorf an der kolumbianischen Karibikküste feiert ein rauschendes Hochzeitsfest. Doch noch in der Hochzeitsnacht wird die Braut in ihr Elternhaus zurückgebracht: sie war nicht unberührt. Der mutmassliche Täter muss sterben... (Quelle: Buchdeckel verso).


City of God : A Novel by Paulo Lins EN

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
The searing novel on which the internationally acclaimed hit film was based. “A Scarface-like urban epic . . . punctuated with lyricism and longing” (Publishers Weekly). City of God is a gritty, gorgeous tour de force from one of Brazil’s most notorious slums. Cidade de Deus: a place where the streets are awash with narcotics, where violence can erupt at any moment over drugs, money, and love—but also a place where the samba beat rocks till dawn, where the women are the most beautiful on earth, and where one young man wants to escape his background and become a photographer. When City of God e... continue


Cometierra by Dolores Reyes ES

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Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Crimenes Imperceptibles by Guillermo Martínez ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Pocos dias despues de haber llegado a Oxford, un joven estudiante argentino encuentra el cadaver de una anciana que ha sido asfixiada con un almohadon. El asesinato resulta ser un desafio intelectual lanzado a uno de lo logicos mas eminentes del siglo, Arthur Seldom, y el primero de una serie de crimenes Mientras la policia investiga a una sucesion de sospechosos, maestro y discipulo llevan adelante su propia intestigacion, amenazados por las derivaciones cada vez mas riesgosas de sus conjeturas.Crimenes imperceptibles, que conjuga a los sombrios hospitales ingleses con lo juegos de lenguaje d... continue


Eartheater by Dolores Reyes ES

Rating: 3 (6 votes)
Electrifying and provocative, visceral and profound, a powerful literary debut novel about a young woman whose compulsion to eat earth gives her visions of murdered and missing people--an imaginative synthesis of mystery and magical realism that explores the dark tragedies of ordinary lives. Set in an unnamed slum in contemporary Argentina, Earth-eater is the story of a young woman who finds herself drawn to eating the earth--a compulsion that gives her visions of broken and lost lives. With her first taste of dirt, she learns the horrifying truth of her mother's death. Disturbed by what she w... continue


Jantar secreto by Raphael Montes PT

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Um grupo de jovens deixa uma pequena cidade no Paraná para viver no Rio de Janeiro. Eles alugam um apartamento em Copacabana e fazem o possível para pagar a faculdade e manter vivos seus sonhos de sucesso na capital fluminense. Mas o dinheiro está curto e o aluguel está vencido. Para sair do buraco e manter o apartamento, os amigos adotam uma estratégia heterodoxa: arrecadar fundos por meio de jantares secretos, divulgados pela internet para uma clientela exclusiva da elite carioca. No cardápio: carne humana. A partir daí, eles se envolvem numa ... continue


La pregunta de sus ojos by Eduardo Alfredo Sacheri ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Benjamín Chaparro es un funcionario judicial que todavía sigue obsesionado por la brutal, décadas de antigüedad violación y asesinato de una joven casada en su propio dormitorio. Mientras intenta escribir un libro sobre el caso, él revisita los detalles de la investigación. Cuando busca en el pasado, Chaparro también recuerda el principio de su largo, y no correspondido amor por Irene Hornos, por aquel entonces solamente una pasante, ahora una respetable juez.


Mentes Perigosas by Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva PT

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EDIÇÃO COMEMORATIVA DE 10º ANIVERSÁRIO COM DOIS CAPÍTULOS INÉDITOS Eles podem ter várias faces. Disfarçados de pessoas de bem, autora de mentes ansiosas ocultam o que realmente são: seres calculistas, manipuladores e insensíveis aos sentimentos alheios. Estão ao nosso lado no trabalho, na escola, na vizinhança e no círculo familiar e, a qualquer momento, podem gerar destruição em nossa vida. Eles são os psicopatas, uma ameaça real e silenciosa para toda a sociedade. Psicopatas não sentem culpa nem compaixão. Não se arrependem. Não nutrem nenhum senso de empatia ou responsabilidade em relação a... continue